Kerry’s Blog
When I create websites for my clients, we work in a collaborative way so they’re learning about what websites are, how they work, and how to update them. These blog posts answer many of the questions my clients have as we work together. I hope you find this information helpful too.
How to connect your blog or website page to a link preview image
The clickable image that shows up on social media posts is called a link preview image. In Squarespace and other website editors, you can designate a specific image to show up when you share a website page on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter/X.
Blogging to social media from Squarespace
Squarespace lets you promote your blog post automatically on your connected social media accounts through the Share settings for the post.
Get Facebook Follows from your website
Use the Facebook Like Button Configurator to generate code to add a Facebook Follow button on your website.
Only 2% of your Facebook followers will see your posts
I attended a webinar about using Facebook and Instagram for my small business. I learned several helpful tips that will guide me to using my time wisely on social media.
Reconnecting my website’s social media feed
Squarespace makes it easy to keep the social media feed blocks on your website in sync with the postings you've updated or deleted on your social media accounts. No need to worry; your website can keep up with your social media missteps.
Connecting Facebook and Squarespace if you have personal and business pages
To set up blogs to be published to your Facebook business page, use the page as your "Push Target." When you choose to cross-publish a new blog posting to Facebook, it will automatically be posted on your business page.