Kerry’s Blog

When I create websites for my clients, we work in a collaborative way so they’re learning about what websites are, how they work, and how to update them. These blog posts answer many of the questions my clients have as we work together. I hope you find this information helpful too.




Prep Kerry A. Thompson Prep Kerry A. Thompson

Move your website to Squarespace to make it beautiful

I recommend moving your website presence to Squarespace from older, hard-to-maintain website hosting/building platforms. For this reason, a moved website is a new website on Squarespace for my clients. Learn more in this post about how I work with clients and the different steps involved.

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Write Kerry A. Thompson Write Kerry A. Thompson

7 ways a blog improves your SEO

Adding a blog to your website and keeping it updated is a great way to publicize your business. Search engines like Google reward websites that produce fresh content. Employing SEO best practices to add keywords to your blog posts increases the likelihood that potential customers will find you in online searches.

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Launch Kerry A. Thompson Launch Kerry A. Thompson

Button up your site with SSL

Enabling SSL security for your website ensures an encrypted connection between a visitor's website browser and your website. It also has the added bonus of giving you a boost in Google search results.

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Stop struggling. Start your website.