Kerry’s Blog

When I create websites for my clients, we work in a collaborative way so they’re learning about what websites are, how they work, and how to update them. These blog posts answer many of the questions my clients have as we work together. I hope you find this information helpful too.




Design Kerry A. Thompson Design Kerry A. Thompson

What to include in your website footer

A footer is the last section of information at the bottom of a website page. Use this valuable area to show contact information, add links to website pages, and ask visitors to take action on their way to becoming loyal customers.

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Prep Kerry A. Thompson Prep Kerry A. Thompson

Six website words you need to know

As I worked with clients, I noticed there were six words that came up in questions to me during our consultations: domain, web host, website, page, SEO, and navigation. Becoming familiar with these website components and how they work together helps you manage and maintain a healthy website for your business.

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Prep Kerry A. Thompson Prep Kerry A. Thompson

Contact form, Email signup form...what's the difference?

Two kinds of forms are common on websites: a Contact form and an Email signup form. Each form has its own purpose. To plan which forms will go on your website, it’s helpful to understand how each form is used as an interactive tool for collecting information from your website visitors.

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Design Kerry A. Thompson Design Kerry A. Thompson

How to design your blog page

If you are starting a blog for your website or adding one to an existing website, it’s helpful to review your choices for your blog page’s design. Most websites, including those on Squarespace, can include a blog.

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Design Kerry A. Thompson Design Kerry A. Thompson

Five ways to speed up your design time

I always love it when I find something that speeds up repetitive tasks. So when I discovered the Squarespace shortcut of copying website pages to create backups, placeholders, and archived pages early in my website design career, I was sold.

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Stop struggling. Start your website.